Day 11–Home Sweet Home, Raynham, MA

on Monday, July 20, 2015

We were up and on the road by 9:45 am. Early for us. After stopping for gas we were on our way. The ride was uneventful and the traffic not too bad. There was a slight slowdown coming through Boston but the traffic did keep moving. We were home by 3 pm and had the MH unloaded in the high heat and humidity by 4:30 PM. It was nice to be in the air-conditioned house and to think that two days ago we had the heat on in the MH in Maine!


It has been a very busy Spring and Summer for us. Have been on the go and I am looking forward to being home for six weeks. Then it is off to London for a few days then on to the transatlantic cruise for our fiftieth wedding anniversary. Looking forward to a few days of downtime before I start packing again.


Day 10–Fort Knox, Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Observatory, Bucksport, Maine

on Sunday, July 19, 2015

Well today is our last day here in Maine.  We woke to another day of overcast skies and   fogged in ocean. By 1 pm it had cleared and after lunch we decided to take a ride and check out the area. We ended up at  Fort Knox  and the Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Observatory. The  observatory is  at 447 feet and allows a spectacular panoramic  360 degree view of the area.




The Penobscot Bridge site also is home to the Penobscot Narrows Observatory, the first bridge observation tower in the United States and the tallest public bridge observatory in the world.


On our way up in the elevator we met a very nice couple from England who are here on a 6 month visa touring the USA on a motorcycle.








We then went to Fort Knox for a self-guided tour.



“ Fort Knox, Maine's largest historic fort, features stunning military architecture and master granite craftsmanship. Constructed between 1844 and 1864 by master craftsmen and never fully completed, this is an unaltered example of a large mid-19th century granite coastal fortification. It is also New England's finest unmodified specimen of military architecture of the period.
The fort was strategically located on the narrows of the Penobscot River to protect the river valley from naval attack. Although it never saw combat, Fort Knox was garrisoned during the Civil and Spanish American Wars.
Fort Knox bears the distinction of being Maine's first granite fort. About 500 troops from Connecticut were stationed here during the Spanish-American War. They lived outside the main fort structure in large tents. Today, visitors can stroll the grounds of this great fort and learn about the rich history of the troops who served to protect American interests during the 1800s.” (From the Fort Knox State Parks Brochure)

On our way into the fort we saw the motorcycle the couple from England have been riding. They told us they have traveled  26,000 miles in the USA on that bike.

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Fort Knox is very pretty considering it is a  fort. LOL The granite is just beautiful and is in really good condition.




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Once inside we observed the typical makings of a  fort. We have been to so many forts and they are pretty much all have the same footprint.














The fort was well preserved and one of the prettiest ones we have seen if a fort qualifies for being pretty.

It was a beautiful day so we took advantage of the good weather back at the CG. We sat outside, had a campfire and I cooked a small pizza on the grille.

We watched the sailboats pass by and enjoyed the sound and smell of the ocean.



We’ve had a very relaxing and great time here in Maine both with our family and here by the ocean. Tomorrow we head back to the homestead. I have an appointment at NE Baptist for my one year post knee replacement checkup. Cannot believe it is one year already.

Day 9–Moorings Oceanfront Resort–Belfast, Maine

on Saturday, July 18, 2015

Nothing much to report today. Rained off and on all day so we spent most of the day indoors. The times we went outside didn’t last long because it got really cold. BRRR. The temp was 62 degrees but the rain and mist coming off the ocean made it feel like 40 degrees. We were so cold we put the heat on in the MH.

Around 5 pm we walked up to the restaurant for dinner.Once again, we had a great meal and wonderful service. It is really too bad the restaurant has been sold. The waitress feels,bad because she believes that the new owners will change everything and it won’t be as good.

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It was a quiet day here by the ocean. Tomorrow is our last day so hopefully we will feel like venturing out into the world to see and do something.

Day 8–Moorings Oceanfront RV Resort, shipyard,downtown and meeting old friends in Belfast Maine

on Friday, July 17, 2015

Ron is feeling better and the swelling  in my foot has finally resolved. Today we ventured into town first stopping at a walking bridge that was once the main road in the area.


After walking on the bridge we decided to take the  City of Belfast Harbor Walk that takes you through a shipyard and into town. It is a fairly long way and mostly uphill but I figured this was my chance to see if I could walk that far with my foot behaving itself.




There were a variety of boats being  rehabbed  and this one caught our eye. Someone has a whole lot  of money.


The City of Belfast is very quaint with historic buildings and many little shops.




There are multiple art galleries and  artisans with many different displays of local talent  in the city.







We enjoyed poking around the city then headed back to the CG. At 5 pm a Happy Hour was held on the lawn overlooking the ocean. Free beer, wine, soft drinks and water were served by the CG owners and  many of the campers brought snacks. It was interesting meeting new people. I always tell Ron that there is only six degrees of separation in life and it was proven not once but three times today. We spent time speaking with one woman from  South Carolina, who talked about how she ran into the same couple not once but six times on a trip she was on going across country. She asked us where we lived and when we told her she said the couple they kept running into was from Raynham also. Turns out, those people are  our neighbors down the street! Such small world we live in!

Earlier in the day the man to our left stopped by and offered us his firewood because he was leaving. Ron was happy to take it and began talking with him. Turns out he knew many of the people Ron knew because he also had worked in the food service industry.

Then later in the  evening I was standing on the steps of the MH when I noticed a couple walking their dogs. I kept looking at the woman and she at me when all of a sudden we both realized we knew each other. They were both former patients of mine. What a surprise.!!  We were happy to see each and sat and chatted for  a while. Again, what a small world.


It was an interesting day to say the least running into so many people that had a connection to us in some way no matter how small.

Day 7–Moorings Oceanfront RV Resort -Belfast, Maine

on Thursday, July 16, 2015

The mornings have been a little on the cool side (53 –58) but when the sun is high in the sky it is warm and beautiful. We didn’t do anything today but hang around and enjoy the views and weather.




This is the most laid back and relaxed we have ever been. I think we found our “Happy Place.”

Jewel likes it TOO!



Maybe tomorrow we will venture out to downtown Belfast, or maybe not.

Day 6–Moorings Oceanfront RV Resort–Belfast. Maine

on Wednesday, July 15, 2015

We woke to a very chilly morning with thick marine fog and overcast skies. The

forecast is for rain most of the day and generally bad weather. Ron is still feeling lousy so it will be a hang around  day – something we are getting very good at! LOL


Around 2 pm it started to clear so we were able to sit outside and actually see the water again.


Ron was feeling better so took Jewel for a walk on the beach.


And got his feet wet.



Did I mention that the top of my left foot has been swollen and painful since last Thursday. I think I may have either a stress fracture or tendonitis. Since I don’t have x-ray vision I’m not sure which it is. But it sure hurts like the devil! Both Ron and I are falling apart.

Later that evening we walked up the hill to PaPa J’s for dinner. We were told the food was great so decided to try it. We noticed on the sign that the restaurant is closing in 6 days! I guess it was sold last week!!!



Ron had fried calms and I had a lobster dinner. We both had the clam chowder. We must say the food was as advertised – delicious.

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Our waitress brought over a cigar box and handed it to Ron. He thought he was getting a cigar.



But when he opened the box – Surprise  - it was the bill!



A unique way to deliver the damages. LOL


This lobster is ready to PARTY!

Back at our campsite we watched the birds on the ocean relaxing and floating by.


Despite the inclement weather we could not complain.  We are in such a beautiful place by the ocean and are pleased we were able to secure a site here for the week.






Day 5–Moorings Oceanfront RV Resort, Belfast, Maine

on Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ron wasn’t feeling very well today so he opted to sleep in this morning. He has an earache and sinus congestion. Later in the afternoon, after he felt better,  we took a ride to the grocery store and stopped for some ice cream.

In  the morning the ocean was socked in with fog but by Noon it cleared so we sat outside enjoying the sunshine, watching the boats on the water.



After dinner we took Jewel for a walk on the beach. The tide was out so we had more land to walk on.








We didn’t do much, but that is why we are here. It was a very relaxing day. We now know that we would love a home overlooking BOTH the mountains and ocean. HMMM, wonder if there is one available for under one million dollars!!!



We weren’t sure what this was but Ron found out that it is Steels Ledge – “The Monument”

“Steele’s Ledge, at the entrance of Belfast Harbor, was named for John Steele, an original proprietor, whose lot sat directly across from the ledge.  Today, a stone structure with an electric beacon, locally known as, “The Monument,” sits on Steele’s Ledge. And, fittingly enough, John Steele’s relatives are buried on a colonial cemetery on the mainland directly opposite The Monument on Steele’s Ledge. “